How to add or change your profile photo
Touch the My Account icon at the top of the screen
Tap the edit icon next to the photo
Choose to use your camera, or to select an image from your gallery
This image will now be added as your profile photo
Press the Back arrow to leave the Account area
How to change your notification settings
Touch the My Account icon at the top of the screen
Press Notifications Settings
Select to change each notification setting to activate or deactivate as you require
Tap the back arrow to exit notification settings
Touch the back arrow to exit the My Account area
How to set a GPS Bottle location
After adding contents to your GPS Bottle on the New GPS Bottle screen, press Next, and the map will appear.
It will open at your current location. If you want to keep this as the location for your GPS Bottle, press Next. If you would like to place the GPS Bottle at another location, simply scroll the map and choose. You can also use the Google Maps search bar at the top of the screen to assist you
Zoom in and out on the map to help locate your GPS Bottle more precisely. Remember, you can also switch between satellite view and map view, as you prefer.
When you are happy with the location of your GPS Bottle, press the green Next button at the bottom of the screen. The GPS Bottle location will now be set, and you will be taken to the Set Access Perimeter screen.
How to set a GPS Bottle access perimeter
Once you have located your GPS Bottle on the map, the Set Access Perimeter screen will open
If you do not want to set an access perimeter condition, press the green Skip button at the bottom of the screen
If you do want to set an access perimeter, then zoom in and out with your fingers to set the distance you require. The distance on the green confirmation button at the bottom of the screen will change automatically as you zoom. Use the sighting circles and crosshairs to help guide you. Don't worry, the GPS Bottle location will remain fixed while you zoom
Once you have decided upon the required access distance, tap the green button at the bottom of the screen to confirm
The access perimeter will now be set to your chosen distance, and you will be taken to the Time Conditions screen
How to set a GPS Bottle Time Window condition
On the Time Conditions screen, you will see a Time Window option, and a Countdown timer option. If you do not wish to set any time conditions, simply tap Skip at the bottom of the screen. If you do wish to set a time window, then tap the Time Window option
To enter the start date for your time window, touch the Access start date field, select the date you require, then press the green Accept button at the bottom of the screen. Do the same for the hours and minutes field
Repeat this process for the end date and time fields
Once you have filled in all four fields, tap the green Next button at the bottom of the screen and your Time Window will be set... (it could be for later today… or it could be for years into the future!)
Remember, if you do not wish to set any time conditions, before filling in any fields simply tap the green Skip button at the bottom of the screen
How to set a GPS Bottle countdown timer
On the Time Conditions screen, click on the Countdown option
Touch the countdown field and a dropdown panel will appear
Select the countdown period you require in hours and minutes, then press the green Accept button at the bottom of the screen
Now tap the green Save button at the bottom of the screen, and the countdown timer will be set...
The timer will activate when a recipient of your GPS Bottle tries to open it for the first time. If they are not successful before the countdown timer runs out, the GPS Bottle will expire unopened
How to send a GPS Bottle unlock request
If a GPS Bottle has expired, or you are unable to open it due to access perimeter and or time conditions, you can request that the sender of the GPS Bottle unlocks it. This will deactivate the conditions and allow you to open the GPS Bottle and view its contents.
To send an Unlock Request, tap on the GPS Bottle in question. You will then see a red colored Unlock Request button on the right hand side of the GPS Bottle information strip towards the bottom of the screen. Tap this button
Next, tap Accept
You will now get confirmation that a notification will be sent to you if the sender of the GPS Bottle decides to unlock the GPS Bottle.
Please Note: It is always up to the sender of a GPS Bottle to accept (or not) any request to unlock a GPS Bottle they have sent
How to send a GPS Bottle to your contacts
Tap the + icon and select Send GPS Bottle
Select the contact(s) you wish to send to
Title the GPS Bottle
Add your content (text, audio, video, image, files, or a link) either one or a mix of these formats)
Place the GPS Bottle where you want it on the map by zooming in or out (default is your actual location)
Set an access perimeter (anything from 4m to 700km), or simply skip the access perimeter altogether to allow access from anywhere in the world.
Set any time conditions or countdown (or skip for no time conditions)
Send to your friends!
How to view and filter GPS Bottles you have sent
Tap Sent at the bottom of the screen
On the Sent screen, you are able to scroll up and down. There are also filter buttons for New, Closed, Expired, and Open GPS Bottles. To go back to the unfiltered list, tap the All button
How to view and filter GPS Bottles you have received
Tap Inbox at the bottom of the screen
On the Inbox screen, you are able to scroll up and down. There are also filter buttons for New, Closed, Expired, and Open GPS Bottles. To go back to the unfiltered list, tap the All button
How to open a GPS Bottle
Tap Inbox at the bottom of the screen
Select the Bottle you wish to open
The GPS Bottle screen will now open and zoom in to the GPS Bottle's location
Tap the Open GPS Bottle button at the bottom of the screen
Note: the GPS Bottle will only open provided its Time and Location conditions have been met, or if it has no access conditions set to it
How to send a GPS Bottle to yourself
Tap the + icon and select Send GPS Bottle
Select yourself from your contacts list, then press Next
Then simply fill and send your GPS Bottle as per normal
Note: Sending a GPS Bottle to yourself is a useful way of setting a location specific reminder... e.g.
You keep forgetting to buy coffee when you go to the store. Send yourself a GPS Bottle to the store's location with an access perimeter covering the parking lot. The next time you pull in, your GPS Bottle will remind you
How to go Ad-free
Tap My Account at the top of the screen
Tap Go Premium!
Select Subscribe for ....... € / year
Then Follow the instructions from your provider
You’re now Ad Free!
How to share a GPS Bottle with your BottleApp followers
Tap the + icon and select Post GPS Bottle
Fill the GPS Bottle as usual
Fix the location
Add radius and time conditions (if you want), or press Skip
Press Share and the contacts who follow you will now receive your GPS Bottle
Note: You will now be prompted to go one step further and Post the GPS Bottle on your social media channels, should you wish to…..
Followers who don't yet have a BottleApp Messenger account will have the opportunity to click your post and download the App.
For your Followers who do have the App, the App will open and they'll be taken directly to your GPS Bottle​
The more GPS Bottles you POST,
the faster the BottleApp community will grow!
How to reply and comment on a GPS Bottle
Select a GPS Bottle and tap to open it
To open the messaging wall for this GPS Bottle, tap on the green bubble icon on the profile image
This will open the messaging wall
where you can share your comments and reply!​​
How to Unfollow someone
Tap My Account at the top of the screen
Touch Following
Select the contact you want to Unfollow
Tap Accept
This item will now be deleted from your list
How to Follow someone in your contacts
Tap My Account at the top of the screen
Touch Find your friends!
Select the contact you want to Follow
When you see the "Follow activated" notice, tap Accept
Note: The green Follow button next to the contact will not change color, but the item will have been added to your Following list
To Unfollow a contact, select Following from the My Account menu, select the contact you would like to unfollow and tap Accept.
How to see the view counts on social GPS Bottle posts
Tap Social at the bottom of the screen. The screen will open on FOLLOWING with the list of the Social GPS Bottles you have received
To see the GPS Bottles you have shared and posted, select the POSTED option at the top right of the screen.
On the right of each GPS Bottle entry, you will see the number of views it has received
You can tap the Order by date and Order by views buttons at the top of the list, to rank the entries in the order you require